Motion Study Guide Answers
- Accelerated Motion Study Guide Answers
- Force Motion Energy Study Guide
- Describing Motion Study Guide Answers
Newton's laws of motion explain why we observe the motion we do in the. The study of kinematics (1D and 2D motion) was about describing how. Admission Assessment Test II Mathematics (201): Practice & Study Guide. Social Sciences - Videos Social Sciences - Quizzes Social Sciences - Questions & Answers.
There are many paths to the same destination: 6 + 3 = 9, but so does 3. 3! Although we flexibly assess students using formative assessment all of the time, once we get to that anticipated 'End of the Unit', it has been customary to give students a summative assessment to find out how much they got out of a unit.
If we give space in our classrooms for multiple paths to the destination, why not offer multiple tools to assess what they know? This lesson illustrates how to prepare for and administer choice in summative assessment. The resources are specific to MS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions, however, the framework could be applied to any unit. This lesson is linked to - a lesson that helps students self-assess and review their performance on their assessment. In order to ENGAGE students in this lesson, we create a 'Pros and Cons Chart' on the board: Students generate different assessment types: oral, written, test, project, poster and speech are some exam ples students have experienced. Together, we discuss the benefits (pros) and challenges (cons) of each assessment type.
For an example, view:. During the discussion, I steer students toward recognizing that assessment is necessary and doesn't need to feel stressful while also highlighting how different types of assessment may be better matched to different learning styles or preferences. Teacher Note: This discussion can turn into a complain fest of epic proportions. It may help to set the tone by starting with a discussion about why assessment is an important part of scientific practice and the learning process. The EXPLORE stage of the lesson is to get students involved in the topic so that they start to build their own understanding. To help students explore their assessment choices, we review the together. As we read the three choices, students carefully consider the pros and cons of each choice based on the amount of time they have, an honest assessment of how much they understand, their ability to work independently and their learning style.
I explain that all assessment choices will be weighed equally for the grade and are due at the same time. The three choices are: Choice 1) Unit Test: Review and complete a test based on the objectives for the unit. Choice 2) Online Portfolio: Complete a portfolio on your science Web site.
You will choose an activity or artifact for each of the objectives for the unit that demonstrates your understanding of the topic and write a short reflection explaining how the artifact shows your understanding. Choice 3) Experimental Design or Research Project: Plan and conduct an investigation from start to finish on one of the three topics:. Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects.
( MS-PS2-4). Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact.
Accelerated Motion Study Guide Answers
( MS-PS2-5). Ask questions about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces. ( MS-PS2-3) For a student explanation of making an assessment choice, view here: For additional information on the three different assessment choices, visit this section's reflection:. Here you will find all the support resources for each assessment. The EXPLAIN stage provides students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and figure out what it means.
While students are working on review activities following their, it is important to check in with each student to listen to their explanations about their assessment choice. This conference is a pivotal strategy that allows a 'gentle steering' of students toward a choice that is better suited to their unique skill set. One pitfall I encountered was an initial enthusiasm about the choices that require more independence (portfolio and experimental design). However, student enthusiasm waned once they realized they would need to invest time outside of class in those assessments. It is important to prevent having students avoid an assessment altogether! Teacher Note: I follow a specific pattern for each unit.
Students receive a 'Pre/Review Guide' and a graphic organizer for their warm ups and essential questions at the beginning of each unit. At the end, students use the guide to self-assess their level of understanding.
Force Motion Energy Study Guide
The (and associated ) are an additional review and self-assessment tool that is strategically designed to match the unit objectives. Since there is a student need for learning how to study and help organizing their review activities, the and are good strategies. Students are expected to use both class time and time at home to work through the review checklist. The EVALUATION stage is for both students and teachers to determine how much learning and understanding has taken place.
Describing Motion Study Guide Answers
There are two levels of evaluation in this lesson: Level 1) Student assessments are evaluated by using rubrics (, and ) on their level of understanding with respect to the unit objectives. For a student example of an excellent portfolio, view:. For a moderate experimental design that could use some fine-tuning, view:.
In my class, several students pitched their own ideas. Here is a creative assessment designed by a student that was really above par: Level 2) Students evaluate their own learning. For more information about this self and peer evaluation process, visit an associated lesson:.
This lesson addresses the question, 'What do we do when students haven't learned yet?' Developing re-assessment resources like this one: will be discussed in more detail in that lesson.