Chicago Police Sergeant Exam Study Guide
Firm located in the suburban Chicago area. The firm works. Department, Austin Police Department, Cook County Sheriff‟s Office, Dallas Police. This Orientation and Preparation Guide has been prepared to introduce you to the written promotional examination for the State Universities Civil Service System.
111 Comments: Anonymous said. This just in!
Looks like bomb squad is being renamed, and the mayors detail have lost d-3 pay, but it's well deserved! Bomb squad being renamed in order to take them to d-1 pay status, better moral hooray! Sarcasm off Anonymous said. OK crusty crabby old timer. Chime in and complain how the test is rigged and its bullshit and how you are not taking it.
And only those with phone calls get promoted. Don't be discouraged by these idiots. Study and take the test. If you score well you will make it. Anonymous said. The sergeant's test is comin' so you'd better get out your books!
Police Sergeants Exam
Your General Order Book, your prayer book and your check book. (Thank you, DK!) Anonymous said. Heard December, which isn't the fall.maybe it is in New york. Anonymous said.
That has been up on the website since they came out in the media in january saying there was going to be a test in fall of 2013. Also, there is no way the test will be in 2013 fall like the poster says. That is old, usually they give you 6-8 months of study time from the date the test is even announced. Even if they announced it right now I would put the earliest test being given around mid january 2014. Anonymous said. You ask yourself how many boners can be at one place at the same time? Well, I today experienced the answer to that question.
It would be the FOP picnic today. WOW, we have some real doozies on this job. Anonymous said. Was told $30 by our Lt. Anonymous said.
I'm 50 out on the current list. When is the next sgt class? It was to suppose to be in may or June.
Now I heard sometime in aug or sept. Anonymous said. How many more classes of sgt, r they going to promote off the the current list?
IT'S ALL LEGIT said. 'Notify the watch commander.' Anonymous said. 12:13 AM Whatever you say, you Kool-Aid guzzling clout baby. Pass the bong. Anonymous said. Anonymous said.
You ask yourself how many boners can be at one place at the same time? Well, I today experienced the answer to that question. It would be the FOP picnic today. WOW, we have some real doozies on this job. 7/18/2013 02:05:00 AM Maybe you're one of the doozies? Now that you're sober, what is Anonymous said.
14DEC13 SGT Exam Anonymous said. Now i can be in the Sergent's union YIPPEE! Anonymous said. Anonymous said. Last class will be 90-95 sgts.
And that's it. Sometime this year for sure. Nobody knows Anonymous said. Anonymous said. OK crusty crabby old timer. Chime in and complain how the test is rigged and its bullshit and how you are not taking it.
And only those with phone calls get promoted. Don't be discouraged by these idiots. Study and take the test. If you score well you will make it. 7/18/2013 12:13:00 AM Ok you of short time obviously! Sure some make integrity, but vast majority make it on clout! For example I took test years ago past, but tell me how 8 guys in 008 on same tact team all made it got promote quickly, yes kid all 100% legit!
Kollege edumacation did you well with how life works? Anonymous said. I bet the P.O.' S who will rank 1-25 on the list have already been identified and are waiting to take the test. Anonymous said. At least we there is an opportunity to get rid of some worthless merit dicks at Area North. Anonymous said.
When I was at DC ceremony Tuesday, McCarthy said the test would be on or around December 14th. Anonymous said.
Chicago Police pensions less generous than other major cities. Problem is not benefit level. Problem is and was City funding level. Anonymous said. Anonymous Anonymous said. OK crusty crabby old timer.
Chime in and complain how the test is rigged and its bullshit and how you are not taking it. And only those with phone calls get promoted. Don't be discouraged by these idiots. Study and take the test.
If you score well you will make it. 7/18/2013 12:13:00 AM The post below is not a response to the post above. Now read the 2nd post. Anonymous said. You ask yourself how many boners can be at one place at the same time? Well, I today experienced the answer to that question.
It would be the FOP picnic today. WOW, we have some real doozies on this job. 7/18/2013 02:05:00 AM There is a distinct similarity between the two. Not just the writing style but the extreme negativity displayed. There are posts in the past that use the same terminology.The guy has conversations with himself that are downright scary. I think that he's the same guy maybe troll who thought that the suicidal CFD member was a complete jagoff and seeemrd proud in taking that stance. The CPD counseling services are not just for winos.
They treat coppers for depression and anger issues also. Anyone that knows this guy should give him a little push in that direction so one of own doesn't have to deal with his suicide or worse. Be safe out there. Anonymous said. No more from old list will be promoted.
It's time for the young officers to be promoted, many of us weren't allowed to take last test. Test will be pass / fail and promotions will be based on a merit selection board. Anonymous said.
Is it true that the city wants 4% back from the sergeants retired at 55 and out for health care,and that the arbitrator is considering it? If so will shields and the new kids on the block crew do the same to us? It would a shame and another disgrace to do this to already retired coppers! Who is the fop rep that is telling everyone in his unit, that the pension is not being replenished and will dwindle down? Mike you have a rep that does nothing, does not attend meetings, talks badly constantly about the union, avoids fop activities such as picnic, no not pimping anyone on a public blog, but how can he get free union dues, pass out handfuls of active member stickers to all his friends and bash you mike and the entire union brothers and sisters?
Anonymous said. How is it fixed? Some people study the test, complete with answers. Anonymous said. You ask yourself how many boners can be at one place at the same time?
Well, I today experienced the answer to that question. It would be the FOP picnic today. WOW, we have some real doozies on this job. And you my friend just happened to be among them. You are the biggest boner of all Anonymous said. So here is what I want to know.
All sarcasm aside too. Did you see the story on the EZ Pawn Shop locations? Seems you just write a check to that aldermanic ward's alderman and you are in. Seems $1,500 to $2,000 is the magic number. So which alderman do I write the check to?
I mean the lobbyist write Rham Emanuel a check and get what they want. Anonymous said. No more off old lists going to be all legit. Just to make sure no cheating the clouted ones, relatives, sons and daughters will be taken to a secure location as to be watched by proctologists (sorry proctors) their test will be the same as yours believe me!
The study material is tailored made for them all material are practice tests so study time is cut down to a minimum. All test results will be notified in 7 to 9 months once political I mean budgetary considerations allow.
So study hard and long and u to cam be made! Mike Madigan said. The sergeant's test is comin' so you'd better get out your books! Your General Order Book, your prayer book and your check book. No checks please.
90 sgts down said. I'm 50 out on the current list. When is the next sgt class? It was to suppose to be in may or June. Now I heard sometime in aug or sept. 7/18/2013 02:29:00 AM - The below sergeant's newletter states they are down 90 sergeants.
Check: Anonymous said. You ask yourself how many boners can be at one place at the same time? Well, I today experienced the answer to that question. It would be the FOP picnic today.
WOW, we have some real doozies on this job. 7/18/2013 02:05:00 AM You are absolutely correct. Went once about 20 years ago when new on the job. Hoped it would be nice for the kids. Was surrounded by a bunch of classless individuals. Tried it years later without the kids.
I feel bad for the citizens who come in contact with our doozies. Anonymous said. Anonymous said.
This just in! Looks like bomb squad is being renamed, and the mayors detail have lost d-3 pay, but it's well deserved! Bomb squad being renamed in order to take them to d-1 pay status, better moral hooray! Sarcasm off 7/18/2013 12:10:00 AM.